A2Z FS “A Literacy Hub Where Fun Happens and  Everyone Grow Together”

  • A2Z Family Service  is committed to providing literacy opportunities to encourage, enhance, and empower personal development and the advancement of the family.

    Vision: To provide education and development opportunities which encourage and create “village thinking” communities where the safety, health, and well-being of the family and child is paramount

    Core Values: A2Z Family Services core values are rooted in Respect for the Individual and Family, Responsibility to the Community, Result Driven Mindset, and Resource Accessibility

    Approach: To partner with families, and community organizations to utilize available resources to improve, enhance and change lives 



A2Z Family Services is committed to strengthening the “Whole” family through empowering Individuals to navigate, and overcome systemic barriers, and to narrowing the academic achievement gaps through providing Literacy Skills in:

  • Reading 
  • Financial Education
  • Health & Wellness 
  • Parenting & Co-Parenting Education
  • Career Development 
  • Resource Accessibility

Our Programs

The Sister Summit – Sisters Inspiring Sisters to Evolve & Rise Up

The Sister Summit provides a “Sisters Keepers Village” for girls, women, and seniors to come together in various activities to support one another, learn from each other, and work together to “bridge the gap” and build strong and healthy communities. The “Sister Keepers Village” is divided into 5 smaller circles. The Precious Pearls are 8-12 yrs. old’s, The Delicate Diamonds are 13-17yrs old, The Wisdom Seekers are 18-29 yrs. old, The Wisdom Keepers  are 30- 49 yrs. old, and  The Wisdom Speakers  are 50-beyond. The Sister Summit engages in various activities and events of Health and Wellness, Financial Literacy, Parent/Child Empowerment, Community Involvement, and Culture Awareness.

AFAC- Active Fathers Achieve Change

A Fatherhood Initiative which offers   4hr workshops, held quarterly and provides fathers the tools to effectively build “whole-some” relationships with their children. Fathers engage in Job Readiness, Parenting and Co-Parenting Education, Financial Literacy which include our own curriculum “Parenting on a Dime ” and encourage to actively participate in many on-going activities designed to support and foster strong relationship building. in very fun and interactive ways 

Readers to Leaders

An innovative reading club for children prenatal-8 years of age. Readers to Leaders provide families the building blocks to ensure reading success. Readers to Leaders fosters a unique opportunity of learning and nurturing. Children develop language, vocabulary, reading comprehension, creative imaginations and so many other skills, while parents are provided literacy tools to enhance their own skills and encourage lifelong learning for the “whole” family.

Shop with us

Thank you for visiting the “Essence of Brains and Beauty” On-line Boutique we offer a variety of educational toys and books for the children and a variety of jewelry, art, cultural tee-shirts, clothing, headwraps, cultural material, and other Zawadi (gift) ideas. You can purchase directly through the website or set up an appointment to shop personally.

100% of the sales and used to fund A2Z Family Services Programs 

Annual Juneteenth Celebration

See Our Programs at Work & Play in the Community A2Z Family Service was Invited to Provide the Children Activities for Parkside Fitness & Food Day Annual Juneteenth Celebration- Children and Adults connecting stories and history through fun and interactive arts and craft and creative imagination play.

For any inquiries please email or call
